Reaching Out: How The Right Legal Avenues Can Help

Reaching Out: How The Right Legal Avenues Can Help

Key Attributes to Look for in a 24-Hour Country Process Server

by Jessica Spencer

"Justice delayed is justice denied" is a maxim commonly used in legal corridors, and it means that legal redress, if available, should be administered in good time. One way to ensure justice is delivered is to confirm that a respondent receives the necessary legal documents quickly. Instead of tasking your lawyer to deliver legal documents, you can rely on the services of a 24-hour country process server. The service providers can deliver legal documents anywhere in the country and at any time. However, several qualities separate a reliable 24-hour country process server from the rest. This article provides insight into the capabilities to look for in a process server.

Cloud-Based Services — If an aggrieved party needs to serve a respondent with legal documents across state lines, the choice of a process server matters a great deal. Notably, not every process server can deliver legal papers interstate in good time. Only a service provider with offices in multiple jurisdictions can make interstate deliveries quickly. Therefore, you should ask a prospective process server how they plan to relay your legal document to a respondent in a different state. While they can use fax machines, cloud services guarantee reliable and efficient solutions. For example, cloud-based services allow a process server to update legal documents and send critical notes to staff in various jurisdictions in real-tome. Most importantly, a process server with cloud-based services guarantees accurate updates and timely delivery of all legal documents.

Private Investigation — Legal documents are only tenable if delivered the right way and at the right time. Unfortunately, some respondents are challenging to find for various reasons, including hiding. Thus, it is often advisable for clients to work with a process server with top-notch private investigation skills. The process server boasts of staff trained in surveillance, background checks and skip tracing. Notably, the services enhance the efficient delivery of legal documents to a stubborn respondent who does not want to be found. Besides, process servers with private investigation backgrounds understand how laws in different jurisdictions affect process serving.

Filing Affidavit — A process server's job does not end once they have delivered legal documents to a respondent. They must prove that the third party received the documents, which is only possible once an affidavit is filed with a court. Most process servers get an affidavit and deliver it to your lawyer for filing with the court. However, if you need an affidavit filed fast, you should work with a process server who can also file papers with the courts. It is critical in urgent cases where you need to file court papers outside official working hours.

For more information on a 24-hour country process server, contact a company near you.


About Me

Reaching Out: How The Right Legal Avenues Can Help

Hello, all. I am a volunteer worker at an outreach centre which helps people of all ages with financial problems. I have come to realise that many of these people face hardships due to life-changing incidents such as unfair dismissal, a workplace injury or a car accident. Many of them are hard workers who aren’t aware of their legal rights. Last year, our outreach centre brought a lawyer on board to provide legal advice and assistance. I help by scheduling appointments, taking notes and following up on each case. I have learnt an awful lot about our laws and am impressed how knowing the right legal avenues can change people’s lives. I have just started a legal assistant’s course and thought this blog might be a good place to record the knowledge I gain. I hope you find it useful and insightful. Thank you for stepping into my world.